Important update regarding the survival server

Last Updated on May 14, 2023 by Kooldude183

With careful consideration, the SMP staff have decided to shut down the survival server on or after November 15, 2023. Unfortunately, server operation is no longer financially sustainable, as the server has been operating mostly out of pocket since its establishment. I am no longer able to commit the time and resources to continue operating the server. We understand that many players have worked hard on their creations, and therefore to preserve them, we will be providing a copy of the world at some point after this date. Additionally, due to the impending shutdown, the server will no longer receive major content updates (i.e. 1.19 —> 1.20).

More details about this shutdown process and a timeline will be provided over the next few weeks.

I am grateful for the time and effort many players have put into this server over the past 3 years, and I would like to thank everyone for making the server into what it is today. I understand this decision may be upsetting to some. I am more than happy to answer any questions or concerns.

– Kooldude183

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