Server Now Running on 1.19.2

Last Updated on August 21, 2022 by Kooldude183

The server has been updated natively to 1.19.2! That means you can now experience 1.19 features on the server such as the new mobs and items on both Java and Bedrock Edition. We will be expanding the border and regenerating unused chunks this week to make way for new biomes and blocks; more on this later this week.

In testing, all of our core plugins are working as intended. However, if you notice any issues, please report them on the Discord.

We will continue to support older versions of Java Edition for the time being, with the current supported versions being 1.18.0 – 1.19.2. After the border expansion this week, all 1.18.x versions will be dropped from server support.

Chat signing on Java 1.19.1+ has been disabled on the server. However, you may continue to use Java 1.19.0, as it will continue to be supported.